Tag Archives: Dream

Are You Living Your Dream… Or Somebody Else’s

Are you living your dream or somebody else’s? How’s that for hitting you square in the forehead today? I heard this question over the weekend, and it took my breath away a little bit. It reminded me of a conversation I recently had with a plumber who was at my house fixing a water geyser…

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Are Your Dreams Dead?

Have you given up on your dreams? Have the day-to-day things in your business zapped some of the joy out of what you do? Maybe you’re just not feeling “it” like you used to… I’m hearing a lot of business owners talk about how tired they are right now. Tired of the grind, the day-to-day…

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Book Review of “The Dream Manager” by Matthew Kelly

This book was a pretty quick read and I finished it in just a couple days. It’s a powerful book, written in a story format, all about a janitorial company that significantly reduces its turn over, and dramatically increases profits while changing lives, by helping their employees achieve their dreams. Some of them become home…

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