Tag Archives: implementation

See And/Or Believe…

A few days ago, I saw a commercial with Dawn Staley (in case you don’t know… she’s the current University of South Carolina Women’s Basketball coach, former college, WNBA and Olympic basketball player) in it where she was talking about a program called “See Her”. It’s a campaign about how far women’s sports have come…

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Second Quarter

April showers… Spring… The start of the second quarter of the year… All that! And… College Basketball’s Final 4! This is one of my most favorite times of the year. I love most sports. These days, I’m mostly watching… And I find myself more excited than usual for this years Women’s Final 4. There have…

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Veteran or Not…

Veteran’s Day is coming up here in the US. It’s a day when we honor all those who have served our country by serving in the military. I was never in the military (I know you might find that hard to believe… lol). My dad served during the Korean War. He was in the Army….

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Massive, Focused, Directed, Specific Action

Action! Massive, Focused, Directed Action! It’s one of the keys to success… And… it’s one you don’t hear a lot of people talking about. Why is that? Because it’s not sexy… it’s not some trick or tactic that will work for a minute and then force you to go look for the next thing. By…

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How To Work Less And Get More Done

How to get more done in less time… The question all business owners want the answer to! It’s not a trick… For me, a big part of the answer to the question of how do you get so much done is in the knowing. What do I mean by that?It’s a word a lot of…

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30 Days…

What can you accomplish in 30 days? A lot… A little… Almost nothing… The answer really depends on YOU! December 1st! The first day of the last month of this year. You can choose to sit back and watch the next 30 days go by… or you can plan and prepare so on January 2nd,…

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$5,000 A Month & Get Out Of Debt

“If I could make $5,000 a month and get out of debt”… That’s what she said to me when we started working together seven years ago… It didn’t take us long to completely revamp her business. She went from traveling all the time, making very little money to staying at home and making over $250,000.00…

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The Machine You’re Missing

Do you ever wonder how some people seem to get so much done? They seem to be everywhere. You always seem to be seeing new content from them It seems like they’re machines. Implementation… Execution… Get Stuff Done… Fast! Completions! There are keys to implementing and getting things done that make life so much easier…

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What’s Your Excuse?

Do you have “reasons”, or do you recognize when you’re making excuses? You might call them reasons, but in my experience, many times we make excuses instead of taking ownership… especially when things go wrong. Many of us talk about being real or taking ownership but it’s sometimes harder to do than it is to…

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Are You Good At Implementation?

Implementation is about completions! Not how many projects you have going at the same time. What’s finished and off your desk at the end of the day? That’s execution and implementation! Stop being the bottleneck in your business! How do you get more done? Simple… not always easy – until you start doing it, but…

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