Tag Archives: increase your productivity

25 Days In…How Are You Doing?

Did you promise yourself to make the new year different? If you did, I’m challenging you to take a minute to think about what you’ve done differently in the first 25 days of this year…and we’ll talk more about that in a minute. I’m not very good at doing things by myself. I don’t really…

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The Upside Down Marketing Calendar…

I’m such a dork… The first thing you’ll notice is the marketing calendar in the video is upside down – not once, but several times. I guarantee you that if you’ll do just one thing different next year than you did this year – use a marketing calendar – it will increase your profits! And,…

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Getting To Your 6 or 7 Figure Business

Do you ever wonder how to get to your million dollar business?  Maybe you’re still aiming at a six figure business and trying to reach that level. Here is the first million dollar question… Are you ready? How much money do you have to make each month in order to make $100,000.00 in a year? …

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