25 Days In…How Are You Doing?

January 25th, 2018 by under Business - General, Business coaching/mentors, Business Strategy, Direct Mail, Event Planning & Marketing, Information Marketing, Marketing, Social Media. No Comments.

Diane Audience

Did you promise yourself to make the new year different? If you did, I’m challenging you to take a minute to think about what you’ve done differently in the first 25 days of this year…and we’ll talk more about that in a minute.

I’m not very good at doing things by myself. I don’t really like it and as much as you might think of me as an extrovert, and I certainly have times when I can be that, I’m more introverted in many ways than you might think and my default is to stay in and read or write or watch a movie.

UT logo

A couple weeks ago the University of Tennessee women’s basketball team was in town playing the University of Kentucky and I wanted to go. And, for $9 for a ticket, it was certainly an inexpensive afternoon of fun. I bought my ticket and still debated whether I was going to go…and adding to the decision on the day of the game, was that it was bitterly cold outside (in single digits).

I went to the game. Got there early…as you can see by the picture, as it looks like I’m almost the only one in the arena.

hotdog-42015_960_720Tennessee won the game, pretty easily, and I had fun. I talked to the people sitting beside me and we laughed. We even broke the rules and moved to better seats in the middle of the floor because the arena wasn’t all that full. I even had one of those overpriced hotdogs…and it tasted  unbelievably good!

Why am I telling you this?  Just to remind you that every day is a new day and it’s important to stretch a little once in a while. It’s also important to do things you enjoy in life!

I love sports…always have…I’m excited that the Superbowl is coming in less than two weeks, even though I’m not a big fan of either team.

Your First 25 Days

It’s a bcalendar-25rand new year, we’re 25 days into the new year as of today.

Are you feeling like you have plenty of time to reach your goals?  Are you on track or behind? Are you tracking so you know?

It’s easy to have long term thinking this time of the year and not be as pressed to reach your goals as you are in the later part of the year.

Right now, you might look at the calendar and think you have plenty of time to reach your goals for this year…after all, you still have more than 11 months left, right?

I mean, do the math, 365 days in the year and 25 are gone so you still have 340 days to make your 6 or 7 figures.  It’s ok that you got a bit of a slow start isn’t it?question-2309040_960_720

Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t…it Depends on You!

Ask yourself this one question…“Do I get more done when I have a deadline than I do when I don’t?” or, put a different way, “Do I get more done in the last 90 days of the year then I do any other 90 day time frame in the year?”

If you answered yes then maybe you’d benefit from looking at things in smaller chunks of time. Instead of having long term thinking and thinking about your year as 12 months, try working in 90 day increments. Each 90 day time period is a working time frame…or another way to think of it is that each 90 day period is its own year, with its own goals. When you measure your progress every 90 days you’ll be more productive and you can adjust more quickly. And, you’ll have more success in both the short term and the long term.

If you answered yes then maybe you’d benefit from looking at things in smaller chunks of time. Instead of having long term thinking and thinking about your year as 12 months, try working in 90 day increments. Each 90 day time period is a working time frame…or another way to think of it is that each 90 day period is its own year, with its own goals. When you measure your progress every 90 days you’ll be more productive and you can adjust more idea-3085367_960_720quickly. And, you’ll have more success in both the short term and the long term.

If you have questions or need help with your 90 plan to adjust your business to this new way of thinking, reply to this email or give me a call at (866) 293-0589.

Make it a Great Day –

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