Tag Archives: pricing

How People Buy… It’s Not How You Might Think

In today’s world, most people make big purchases based on how much it will be per month – I call this “how much a month.” Some people pay for things all at once, but the majority of people buy based on what they can afford (or perceive they can afford – a topic for another…

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Your Pricing Formula…

Do you struggle with how much to charge clients for your programs, products and services? Are you looking for a specific formula for pricing? You can relax in knowing that most business owners struggle with this issue at some point in their careers, and there is no one formula that fits for everyone or every…

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3 P’s of the Profit Pie

Happy New Year!  I hope you had the most amazing holiday season and are on your way to an incredible New Year! Positioning, Promotions & Pricing are the 3 P’s of Profit in your business. Positioning is who you are in your market.  Promotions is your marketing. Pricing is what you charge people for your…

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