Tag Archives: rest and rejuvenate

Something Very Unusual Happened…

I did something I almost never do… I took the last two weeks of the year off. Not entirely, I did a few phone calls and answered emails but that was about it. I watched movies. I read. I spent time with some of the most special people in my life. I slept. I rested….

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The Best Week of Your Life

Last week was literally the best week of my life. What does that have to do with you? Everything… Because you can choose to have your best week too. I made the decision to completely unplug while I was in Cocoa Beach, Florida last week and be fully present with myself and my love. I…

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Take A Break… You Deserve It

Nothing says rest, relaxation and rejuvenation to me like sand, the beach and crashing waves! When was the last time you took time off to enjoy and just kick back? No laptop, no cellphone ringing off the hook, no emails! Just you and whatever you love to do to unwind and let loose… Time to…

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