What Does Being Mindful In Your Business Mean?

October 4th, 2017 by under Business - General, Business Strategy. No Comments.


You might be asking yourself if being mindful in your business is the same thing as what people refer to as mindset.  The answer is no, it’s not the same at all.

So what does it mean to be mindful in your business?

Can you be present in your business?  In the moment…no matter what is going on around you. Or, do you let all the distractions of the day affect you?  Do you let the phone ringing or emails, or Facebook take you away from the things you want and need to get done, or can you stay in the moment?

I’m not talking about focus per say. I’m talking about being in the moment.  Being fully present…no matter where you are or what you’re doing. 

Another way to look at this is by thinking about being mindful as being the opposite of being on autopilot.

Have you ever driven somewhere and gotten to your destination only to wonder how you got there?  We all have. That’s not being present…it’s just the opposite…it’s being on autopilot so much that you could almost be somewhere else – at least your mind could be – while you were driving.

It’s the same in your business…your mind needs you to be there so it can grow.  Your team needs you to be there so you can lead them. You need to be there so you can take your business where you want it to be – on purpose, not by accident.

One of the things I’m going to be talking about at the Mindful Business Success Summit™”, November 6-7 will be this very important topic.

This isn’t something you hear a lot of people talk about – as a matter of fact, I’ve never heard anybody talk about this related to business…until now!

To Your Success –

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