Be Bold

February 20th, 2020 by under Business - General. No Comments.

What have you done lately to be bold…in your life or in your business?

Not some big, crazy, outrageous thing necessarily (although that’s great to if you want to go big and bold)…

When was the last time you did something different, that was BOLD and made you stand out a little more than usual?

What little thing(s) can you do that will make you stand out more?

Being bold will look different for each one of us.

In a crowded world and environment, being BOLD can make all the difference in the world.

Sometimes, we hide. We hide behind the computer. We hide behind out past wins. We hide in our offices. We hide so the world doesn’t see how GREAT we really are.

We all have times of doubt. We all doubt ourselves…at times!

I know A LOT of very successful entrepreneurs and business owners, and I don’t know even ONE who hasn’t at some point in their career felt the Imposter Syndrome creep in. That feeling of not being good enough. That feeling of who am I to be doing this.

When that happens, stepping out and being BOLD will many times make the doubt disappear.

Part of what causes this doubt is we don’t take time to celebrate our wins. We jump from one thing to another. We’re always chasing the proverbial carrot – and it always seem just out of our reach. But, it’s not.

We had it…we won, but we didn’t take time to celebrate it so it’s almost as if it didn’t exist at all. 

We won…What’s next? That’s how we do things.

What if you celebrated every win – in some small way. That would be Bold!

Celebrating our wins is something we do at every one of my events, and the next one coming up is May 7-8 in Atlanta, Georgia, and you can find all the details at

To Your Success –

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