Love Is In The Air

February 17th, 2022 by under Business - General. No Comments.

Monday was Valentine’s Day!

Did you do something special or was it just another day?

I know some people feel like it’s just a made-up day for retailers and flower shops to make money.

I love love, so I love all the specialness that Valentine’s Day brings.

Being a romantic at heart, I guess I wish everyday was a little more like Valentine’s Day.

People being kinder, gentler, more gracious, and loving to each other.

How can that ever be a bad thing?

What does this have to do with business…


You take you wherever you go, so how you’re feeling and what’s in your heart comes out in your business as well as your personal life.

I was being interviewed the other day and the host kept commenting on my passion and how she could tell how much I love what I do and helping other business owners reach their goals.

To me, I was just being me and doing what I do.

To her, it was a big deal.

It struck me that maybe she wasn’t used to being around people who are passionate about what they do and who want to make a positive impact in everything they do.

The other possibility is that I just take my enthusiasm for granted because it’s just such a part of me.

I decided it was a combination of both.

How can you bring more of your spirit into your work?

Hit me up and let’s chat to see if I can help.

To Your Success –

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