Is There Something Wrong With You?

March 27th, 2019 by under Uncategorized. No Comments.

Do you ever struggle in your business (or your life) and end up internalizing things to the point where you actually start thinking something is wrong with you?

Sometimes, things snowball and we lose our ability to separate things in our lives. If something isn’t going the way we want it to in our business life (or vice versa) we tend to carry it over to our personal life…and when things aren’t good in your personal life it sometimes adversely affects your business.

We don’t mean for it to…it just happens.  As much as we want to compartmentalize, and keep things in their separate boxes, sometimes, it’s hard to do.

I recently experienced this and I was really letting things pull me down – into a place I didn’t want to go, but I couldn’t seem to find a way back to what felt like me…that strong women who had drive and purpose and direction and who took focused action every day.

I struggled for longer than I’d like to admit and nothing seemed to help…at least not for long. I’d feel better for an hour or two or a day, if I was lucky, and then all that doubt and negative self-talk would just come back.

I was vegging out in front of the TV, distracted and uninspired in my work and most other things too.  Not feeling very productive most days and I just couldn’t figure out why or put my finger on what was going on and why I couldn’t pull myself out of this FUNK…and WORSE, for me, was not knowing what to DO about it. I didn’t know how to FIX it so I could feel like myself again…or at least start to move forward.

I was forcing myself to do things…work, attend events, be around people…after all, something had to work to make it different, right?

Isn’t it funny how we tend to look outside of ourselves when we’re searching for something…the answers are always inside of us – but we do sometimes need a little push or encouragement or sometimes just the right words that spark something inside of us to click and everything seems to change.

That’s exactly what happened. A comment somebody made at an event I attended, got me to thinking. So much so that I asked a trusted friend and colleague a few questions and a day or so later, I had a light bulb moment…

…I realized this:

THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH ME…sounds silly – I’m almost embarrassed to type the words. As one friend said to me when I revealed my big discovery…”Duh, Diane!”

But when I had that revelation, when it hit me that this was really true, I smiled for day…you know, one of those cheesy, silly grins that lights up your whole face and seems to stretch from ear to ear. Yep, it was that! And, I said those words to myself over and over again – out loud and to myself (while smiling) – “There’s nothing wrong with me…”

And, I’m here to tell you there’s nothing wrong with you either.

Now, has everyday been perfect and like paradise since that day a few weeks ago? Nope, that isn’t how life or business works. Everything is just lighter and easier to deal with and nothing seems quite as serious or heavy – if you know what I mean.

Looking to turn your business around (or maybe some things in your life) and want to do it your way – without worrying about how others will judge you or what they will think?

Want to do business your way?

That’s what the Stop Marketing, Start Building Your Business™,” event May 2-3, 2019, in Atlanta, Georgia, is all about. Figuring it out and then making a plan to do it YOUR WAY!!

For only $97 we can spend two days together and you’ll be around 29 other people who believe in you and see you in ways maybe you can’t, yet, see yourself.

If you’re looking for some help spurring your business forward – for whatever reason – and you’re tired of cookie cutter approaches and events that make you feel good but nothing ever changes in the long run, then do whatever it takes to get to Atlanta and join us at  Stop Marketing, Start Building Your Business™!

Grab your seat today…

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