The Power of Your “Tribe”

February 13th, 2020 by under Business - General. No Comments.

Something happened last weekend that reminded me of Robert Cialdini’s book “Influence” (if you haven’t read it, I suggest you add it to your reading list).

There is so much power in having a group of Influencers…it might be your list, it might be colleagues, or it might be others. Sometimes, it’s important that you have a lot of these and at other times, just a few people in your corner can make the difference.

And, usually, it’s not the amount of influence you have, necessarily, but the people around you and whether you can get them onboard with you or not.

Let me give you an example…

I invested in a Peloton bike about 2 months ago and I have been riding regularly ever since. There is a particular ride I like on Sunday’s that is spiritually based and has a lesson every week while you’re pushing yourself to the limit on a ride. For our purposes, let’s call this Ride A.

Since I’ve been taking this ride, there have never been less than 5,000 people taking it live, while it happens (and others take it “On Demand” at other times).  Imagine having the attention of 5,000+ people once a week for 30 minutes…

Last Sunday, the instructor announced there would only be two more weeks of this ride happening live and made mention if we wanted to see the ride continue, we should reach out and let our voices be heard.

I like this ride a lot so I decided to see if I could get 2,000 riders to comment on a post on the main company page, knowing they monitor it and I was sure they would see the support.

Within about 4 hours, there were almost 1,000 comments and over 900 likes, sad faces, etc. on my original post…and the numbers keep increasing. I used some of what I know about social media and marketing to keep the post close to the top of a very active page that gets literally hundreds of posts per day.

A couple hours after the post went live and was getting so much activity on the page the instructor went live on multiple social media channels telling people there was a misunderstanding and the ride wasn’t being cancelled but just put on a hiatus and it would be back. I have my opinion about why this happened, but the point is…

…there is real power in having a ‘tribe,” a fan base, a “list,” a group of people you can go to when you want/need something.

Bill Glazer used to say when he wanted something – a new car, to take a vacation, etc. – he would figure out a way to have his list pay for it. In other words, he would develop a program, or sell something to strategically to his list to generate income at specific times.

When you have people who love what you do, how you do it, or the effect you have on them, it’s amazing what happens…and not just as it relates to income or money either.

How do you develop that so you can increase the loyalty with your tribe, followers, list…whatever word you choose to use???

To Your Success –

PS – Happy Valentine’s Day (tomorrow)!

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