Does Your Business Grow Or Shrink During “Holiday Season”

November 14th, 2019 by under Business Strategy. No Comments.

Do you hear yourself saying things like “I can’t market during the holidays,” or “my business is slow during the holidays,” or “everybody takes off the week of Christmas and New Year’s?”

Are you surprised to see the new year has arrived each year and feel like you’re not ready for it or are you prepared and ready to launch into another amazing year on January 2nd?

We tell ourselves all sorts of things to justify our actions.

And, sometimes we just need to shift our Paradigm(s) to move to where we want to be. In other words, we just need to think things out for ourselves instead of buying into the status quo.

Think about it for a minute…

…do you believe things just because “somebody” else told you or you heard somebody else say it? As opposed to the information being there because you know it to be true – for yourself.

You might think people won’t pay certain fees. You might think continuity programs aren’t right for your business…or that they aren’t successful anymore because they’re a thing of the past.  The list goes on and on.

Think about how many things we now take for granted in our lives that didn’t exist even 10 years ago. When I was in college a computer took up an entire room. Now, we all have them sitting on our desks, in our homes, and we carry them in briefcases…and in our pockets, purses, and on our belts – in the form of smartphones. That’s just one small example.

What I’m really challenging you to do is to think for yourself. And, more importantly to challenge your own thinking and that of others. Make your own decisions and discover the “real truth” for yourself.

Remember, just because something works, or doesn’t work for somebody else, doesn’t mean it won’t work for you. And, just because something worked, or didn’t work, for you once, doesn’t mean it won’t work now.

Try things. Think for yourself.

Be your own person.  Challenge the status quo…and everything others say and everything you currently think…

…And, watch as 2020 becomes your best year yet!

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