Maybe You Shouldn’t Own A Business?

October 24th, 2018 by under Business - General. No Comments.

Not everyone is cut out to be a business owner…not everyone should own their own business…

Bold statement? Maybe…also a fact…

If you have owned a business for more than 5 years, congratulations!  You’ve already done something most business owners don’t do…survive the first 5 years.

It takes an amazing person to successfully own a business and to make a living from it. You have to be patient, flexible, and have an ability to tolerate risk. You also have to understand you have to invest in yourself and your business to keep growing.

That’s why I’m inviting you to the “Strategic Path To Profits™,” event November 15-16, in Atlanta, Georgia.

It’s a chance to really keep growing – and it’s probably one of the last chances you’ll have to attend invest in something that will have an huge impact on your business.

As the year comes to a close, many people will sort of shrink away into the corners and go quiet. Those same people will show up somewhere around January 2nd and feel like they are behind because they don’t have a plan or strategy for 2019 and they have no idea what to begin to work on or how to reach a goal they didn’t bother to set.

If you’re serious about your business, then you already know you have to invest in it…in yourself…and you have to make a commitment and sometimes even do things that aren’t 100% comfortable.

Ask yourself, “If I don’t do this, what will be different about 2019?”

If you’re satisfied with the results you got in 2018, you made all the money you wanted to make, affected all the lives you wanted to affect, lived the life you wanted to live – with all the free time and adventure you could handle – then you’re good and you have what you want…and you are beyond happy – you have reached contentment in your life.

If you’re still reading this, my guess is you still feel like you haven’t accomplished all you want to accomplish.

If that’s the case, then go to and get to Atlanta, November 15-16. It’s your chance to make 2019 your best year yet!

To Your Success –


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