The Cost of Freedom

April 14th, 2016 by under Business - General, Business Strategy, Information Marketing, Marketing, Video. No Comments.


Did you start your business for freedom? Time and money freedom is the number one reason I hear that people started their own business…I know it was both of those things for me.

Have you ever thought about the cost of freedom?

Have you ever really thought about what your definition of freedom is?

For you to have what you want in your life and your business there are sacrifices – and almost nobody talks about that part of being in business.  In order to get where you want to go, you have to give some things up. You haven’t gotten where you are today without costs. And, that isn’t a bad thing.

The question is what are you willing to do now, today, in order to have what you want tomorrow. Delayed gratification isn’t something people like to think or talk about (and, it’s not what sells in the business world, and it’s not sexy – but it is real).

Sometimes things don’t work in our businesses…what I love about marketing is that when things don’t work we call it testing!

You have persisted through a lot in your life and your business to have gotten where you are today. And, you’re still working on moving forward so you can get to the next level.

One of the ways you are going to get to the next level is to have the right marketing in place.  If your marketing funnels aren’t converting as well as you would like, you owe it to yourself to check out the Successful Marketing Funnels™ event where you can get your funnels made-over so you can maximize your profits.

Prosperity & Abundance to You –


PS – I’d love for you to leave a comment or share the post! Thanks!

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