Unplugged… Completely Unavailable!

July 28th, 2022 by under Business - General, Business Strategy. No Comments.

How often do you completely unplug?

No client calls…

No email…

No social media…

No writing…

No business books, podcasts, etc.

Nothing related to business on your agenda for a week – or more!

When was the last time you did that?I don’t do it as often as I should but when I do take time off, I completely unplug.

I always come back refreshed, with a ton of new ideas, ready to implement and focus and with a new zest and enthusiasm for the business… and everything else for that matter.

I often get a lot of questions from people asking me how I can completely turn things off and have no contact.

It used to be harder than it is now.

It would take me days to relax and not feel like I needed to be working.

With the right systems in place, a great team supporting me (who I trust to handle anything that might come up) and a little discipline and faith to just realize there’s nothing that’s so important that it can’t wait a few days while I take some time off. And nothing that can’t be fixed if there is a hiccup.

I’m not a doctor or a surgeon. Nobody’s going to die if they don’t hear from me for a day or two.

It’s funny, my clients are the reason I don’t take my laptop or anything with me on vacation.

A couple years ago when I said I would have my laptop in case they needed something there was a simultaneous cry of “NO” by every person who was on the call. They said they were good. They said “go, have fun, relax… we’ll talk to you when you get back.”

And it works!

And I’m better for it.

So are my clients… because they get a better coach, mentor, businessperson, entrepreneur.

By the way, I’m taking my own advice this year. I have 2 trips planned and paid for (that’s a key to taking vacations – plan them) in the coming months and a get-away planned around Christmas.

And remember to do it your way. Do what you want to do – what’s fun, relaxing or invigorating for YOU!

What’s your ideal vacation or time off look like?

To Your Success –

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