Your Conversion Map™

May 19th, 2016 by under Business - General, Business Strategy, Information Marketing, Marketing. No Comments.

arrows5-square-250x250Did it really happen?  Did I really help my clients bring in an extra $37.3 Million?  I humbly tell you it did happen, and the fact of the matter is the number is a very low number. It’s the number I can easily prove…and there are millions more that were made as a direct result of my help!

In another time I would have said I’m sorry if that sounds like bragging, but not anymore. You see, I don’t have anything to be sorry about. As a matter of fact, it’s just the opposite.

I’ve been sort of playing small and downsizing my accomplishments – in part, so others don’t feel intimidated, and in part because people are skeptical.  Notice all of those reasons had to do with other people and not me. (Do you do the same thing?  Play small?)

So, I’ve decided if the truth is too much for people to handle then that’s fine – they probably aren’t my ideal clients anyway. If you’re one of the select few who are serious about building your business and you’re tired of the hype and you’re looking for somebody who is real, who has been there, done that and keeps doing it…even today, then I might be a fit for you.

I say might because it takes more than an online relationship to really know if somebody is a fit for you or not. It’s hard to get to the heart and the essence of a person in emails, or even in videos really.

That’s why I’m inviting you to the Successful Marketing Funnels™ event in Atlanta, Georgia, June 15-16! It will give us a chance to be in a room together for 2 full days and you’ll see why I’m saying Marketing Funnels are now dead and it’s all about Conversion Maps™.

I’m still using the words Marketing Funnels because that’s what people call them, but traditional funnels are no longer working!  It’s time to do something else…

Go to Now for all the details!

And, for the record, you can’t automate anything until you have good Conversion Maps™.  Email sequences don’t write themselves!  Automation can’t tell you the best time to send a particular item in the sequence or which item should be first, second and so on!

You are the magic in your business…Not Automation!

I’m inviting you to come be my special guest June 15-16, in Atlanta, Georgia. The weather will be gorgeous, I’m going to feed you lunch at the country club where I’m hosting the event, the views will be spectacular, you’ll meet some amazing people, AND, get your Conversion Maps™ set up so you can automate them and make more money too!

For today and tomorrow only, if you go to and enter the code Diane you’ll get $200.00 off the already low investment of only $597 – which means you can come for only $397!

Hurry, there are less than 17 seats left and I’m absolutely cutting it off at 30 people!

Prosperity & Abundance to You –


PS – I’d love for you to leave a comment or share the post! Thanks!

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