30 Days…

December 1st, 2022 by under Business - General, Business Strategy. No Comments.

What can you accomplish in 30 days?

A lot…

A little…

Almost nothing…

The answer really depends on YOU!

December 1st! The first day of the last month of this year.

You can choose to sit back and watch the next 30 days go by… or you can plan and prepare so on January 2nd, you’re off to the races and getting your new year started with a bang!

There’s no wrong answer here.

Some businesses actually close for a week or two around the holidays.

Others may be less active in a social or public sense while working behind the scenes to get ready for something big.

Others manage to do both. When that happens you typically work shorter days or work at a slower pace. You might even take some days off and work others.

I usually end up doing something that includes both some time off – or at least some slower time and working – toward the plan that’s already complete for next year. I actually start to implement it in December for the first quarter of the following year.

Whatever you do, it’s time to get started because December is upon us and it will go quickly… as will next year if you’re not ready and prepared for it.

This kind of planning is one of the things I’m known for. I have a whole system that makes it really simple to do, implement and follow.

Let me know if you want to chat about it.

To Your Success –

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