Eight And A Half Years! WOW!!

January 4th, 2024 by under Business - General, Business coaching/mentors, Business Strategy. No Comments.

She was mad and frustrated.

She sat in the very back of the room for the entire 3-day event… with her arms crossed and with her eyebrows furrowed in anger and disbelief.

She said, “If you can help me make $5,000 a month and get out of debt, I want you to be my coach.”

She was skeptical.

I had to prove I wasn’t like the other “coach” she’d worked with.

She had the trappings of success. She was well known in her industry. She’d written 5 books. She was traveling around speaking. She had been in business for 15 years.

And she wasn’t making any money!

She wanted a change… so we changed her business model.

No more traveling and schlepping all over the country to speak.

No more writing books.

She had several ideas for a continuity/membership program.

She upgraded her coaching package.

In the meantime, one of the products she had been selling was no longer available to her, so she manufactured her own. From new product design, to mold, to packing and graphics, and onto the shelves. She sold a lot of them and then sold that company.

We worked together, planned a couple of membership programs before we settled on one.

She was almost certain it wasn’t going to work. There was nothing like it in her industry… and people in her industry certainly wouldn’t pay that much on an ongoing basis.

$29.95 a month – she agreed to try it.

It was an immediate and huge success… and it continued to be.

We had far surpassed the $5,000 a month.

$262,464 in her first year!

Upwards from there.

She was changing. She was happier. She was making money. And she was continually surprised when her programs and new offerings were as successful as they were.

She decided she wanted to phase the program out after 5 years of monthly offerings.

So, we put that plan together.

She could see retirement in sight, so we planned for that.

She stopped her membership program in December of year 5 and started a much scaled down version in January of the following year.

Now she’s working just a few hours a day, not on the weekends, is traveling and enjoying life more and more.

As retirement is in sight and she’s cutting back, our formal coaching time has come to an end.

Eight years and six months to the day later…
She’s extremely thankful.
I’m honored and blessed to have been a part of it.

It’s not the end…

It’s a new beginning…

Because we’re friends.

We saw each other go through a lot in that time. Changes, deaths, challenges, health issues, and more.

8.5 years (to the day)… from frustrated and not making money to retirement!

I’m so proud of her!

And amazed!

It’s why I do what I do!

To Your Success –

PS – If you’re interested in these kinds of results because you’re looking for a coach to work with who can help you achieve it, let’s talk.

PPS – If you’re a coach and you’d like to have these kinds of long term relationships with clients, I can show you how to do that – let me know… think about it… how would you like to have clients who pay you every month for 6, 7, 10 years? I do – my average coaching client is with me for 7 years. I can help you have that too.

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