How To Create A Great Squeeze Page That Sucks In Leads Like Crazy

May 11th, 2011 by under Information Marketing, Marketing. No Comments.

When you create a squeeze page, you need to make sure that you have a clear offer for the visitors and prospects that are going to be landing on your site.

The sole purpose of the squeeze page is to capture leads and nothing else.  That means if you want to maximize the number of prospects that actually give you their name and email address, don’t include other distractions on your squeeze page such as long lists of links to other pages on your site.  This includes your social media bookmarks and links as well.

The more options you give people, the less likely it is that they will complete the one you want them to complete.

Use a Strong Headline to Grab Their Attention and Keep It…

In order to get people to opt-in to your lead capture page, you first need to stop and get their attention long enough for them to read your marketing message.

The headline is likely going to be the first thing they Cialis see.

  • Your squeeze page headline should be big and bold so that it stands out.
  • It should be benefit driven .  Focus on the main benefit that your product/service/report will give to the end user.  Most people confuse features and benefits.
  • Address your visitor’s biggest problem and how you can solve that problem, and make these part of the headline

A good headline will grab their attention and compel your visitors to continue reading the rest of your page.

List Benefits That Get Them Begging To Know More…

Your squeeze page should ideally be getting someone to opt-in (provide their email address and name) in exchange for your information, audio, video or a free report.

Giving away something for free will help increase conversions, but you can also increase them more by building extreme value in the prospects mind.

Make a list of the main benefits that the prospect will get from opting in.

  • Craft an irresistible offer so that your prospect would be crazy to pass up getting your free information.
  • Focus on the wants, needs and desires of your prospect.  Always let them know what’s in it for them.  Remember it’s more about the wants than needs.  Wants are built on emotion.

Use a Strong “Call to Action” That Gets Them Scrambling to Opt-in…

People need to be told what to do.  This is particularly true on the internet.  People are distracted easily and bounce around from site to site, sometimes without any real purpose.

If you want someone to enter their name and email address TELL them to enter it.

  • Repeat the call to action if you need to , but make sure that somewhere on the page you show people what you want them to do.
  • Include arrows or other graphical elements to show people where they need to enter the information.  Make it “stupid” simple.
  • Make the call to action clear.   (Again, your squeeze page should only have ONE mail call to action i.e. getting the opt in)
  • Use a short video on your page , end the video by telling them to opt-in, include an arrow that shows them where the opt-in is.
  • Make the end of the video be a life “demo” of how to fill out the form – just record your screen as you do it so there is NO confusion on what needs to be done.

All of these elements can add up to give you the best possible squeeze page.  Your page will be like a huge prospect magnet, that attracts leads and gets them salivating for more of your information!

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