Keep A-Goin’!

January 11th, 2024 by under Business - General, Business coaching/mentors, Business Strategy. No Comments.

I was talking to a friend of mine this morning and she told me about a poem her mom used to recite to her. It was called “Keep A-Goin’!” by Frank Lebby Stanton (1857-1927). When she read it to me, I immediately knew it was the topic for this week.

Does it seem like a strange time to be talking about keep going?

It’s the beginning of the year and as a new year starts, we tend to think of new beginnings and fresh starts.

So, why Keep Going?

Why now?

Now is because you know the thorns are coming, the hail and snow are coming, the challenges are coming.

They may not be here right now – in this moment – but they will be here before the year ends.

It’s part of life… it’s part of business!

The question is what will you do when those things come!

Will you sit and whine or will you keep trying?
Will you give up or will you keep going?

Will this year be a repeat of last?
Will you do more and be better?
Or will it be more of the same?

It’s up to you!

Sometimes the best way to keep going is to have somebody who cheers for you, who advises you, who always has your best interest at heart on your side.

A person who is just as invested in your success but who isn’t in the middle of it like you are. Someone who can see the forest and the trees.

A coach…

Sometimes you think you can do it on your own. That’s almost always a mistake.

You might be able to do it on your own, but it will cost you more time and money than it needs to. And certainly, more than if you invested in the right coach to help you avoid the hurdles altogether.

Looking for that person?

Let me know. It may be me… it may not – and if it’s not I can probably point you in the right person who is the right fit.

And always, Keep A-Goin’!

To Your Success –

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