The Last Thursday of WHM…

March 28th, 2024 by under Business - General, Business Strategy. No Comments.

It’s been fun thinking about the women who inspire me and who have impacted my life during Women’s History Month… and I still have a few more days to honor a few more specific women.

Today is special because I wanted to make sure before the month ended to honor all the women who have impacted my life directly. A few have been singled out, but there are many, many more – too many to name individually.

I honor and thank all these women.

Every teammate in every sport from my earliest days, in high school, through college, until I hung up my cleats and tennis shoes from competing. In so many ways, you shaped me and made me who I am today. Even competitors, team members from other teams, many times taught me something. Travel teams, etc.

And all the moms who were there supporting us in so many ways!

When I think about the numbers in this category alone, I can see and hear so many of the truly inspirational and motivational women who went on to do all sorts of things in life. Each memory makes me smile bigger than the next.

Every coach who helped me form skills and discipline… wow, when I think about that influence, I’m just blown away. Some of these women coached me directly, some coached me through books they wrote, and I read, others simply by their example.

Every woman entrepreneur or business owner I’ve come in contact with over the 30+ years I’ve been doing this… some I’ve had the honor to meet, be coached by, and others I’ve admired from afar.

Every woman I’ve had the honor and privilege to coach… past and present. I know each of you thought I was helping you (and I hope I have) but I learned a lot from you too. And I hope as you move through your life and share your knowledge and what you learned, you find the same blessing.

To all my classmates over the years, I also honor each of you. So, so many. And the variety of lessons runs the gamut!

Finally, to every one of my female friends – there are now only a handful in my inner circle – but there have been many over the years – I thank you for being a confidant, safe place, a place to laugh, for the lessons we taught each other, and for your loyalty.

I could go on and on, but I won’t.

I just really wanted to take a moment out today as the months wraps up to remind all of us of the importance of the significant women in our lives. My guess is for most of us, like for me, there are many.

I close by honoring my sister, Michelle who is truly one of the most special women I have ever met.
(And all the non-blood sisters who hold a special place in my heart… you know who you are).

Blessings and thanks to all of you.

To Your Success –

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